After Midnight Men's Outlet Fashion Dress Shoes - Geometric Spikes

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List $99.00
Discount $69.50
Your Price $29.50
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Product Description

Step into the world of opulence and style with the After Midnight shoe. Made from luxurious smooth velvet fabric, this shoe is a true showstopper. Its unique gold or silver spikes arranged in a striking geometric or diamond-shaped pattern add a bold and edgy touch, making a statement wherever you go. Featuring a firm sole for stability, cushioned interior for comfort, and fitted for standard width, this shoe is the epitome of fashion-forward footwear. Elevate your style with the After Midnight shoe and make a memorable impression at any special occasion or event.

After Midnight by Roberto Chillini

Fashion Dress Shoe


Synthetic Sole

Standard width (D)


After Midnight Men's Outlet Fashion Dress Shoes - Geometric Spikes
After Midnight Men's Outlet Fashion Dress Shoes - Geometric Spikes
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