February 2012

  1. Protect Your Investment

    When you invest in your wardrobe, getting great value in a suit is only the first step. Here are some tips for protecting that investment and making sure those suits look great for as long as you want to wear them.         Keep it clean, but be careful how you do it […]
  2. What are "Super" Wools?

    It’s hard to go far in looking at men’s fashion without coming up against the “Super” wools. Super wool is a trade name that traditionally described fabrics made of the finest wool available, typically merino wool (wool from the merino sheep). Nowadays the term can also be used for wool blends.  The Super wool fabrics […]
  3. Suit Fabrics, Continued

    In our last post, we talked about some of the fabric types you might run into when shopping for a suit. In this post, we continue with more fabric types.   Poplin  Poplin is a lightweight plain-weave fabric, usually made from cotton. It is sometimes called tabinet. Because cotton dyes easily, suits made from poplin […]
  4. Suit Fabrics Explained

    Traditionally most suits were made of wool because of its durability, looks and ability to hold a tailored shape. These days, many suits are made of wool blends and synthetic or natural fibers that are not wool. These new and old fabrics can go by a bewildering variety of names. Here is a primer on […]

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